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A Truly Personalized Experience & Your Website!


Through personalized content or "smart content" (intelligent content), you will be able to offer the right content to your users, taking into account at all times their needs and interests.
"90% of consumers believe that creating personalized and useful content helps brands build a good relationship with them." With such a high percentage, do you still wonder if you should offer your users? Personalized content?

What is personalized content or "smart content"?

The personalized content or "smart content" (intelligent content) is content that has been logically customized according to the needs and interests of the users. It is, in other words, content that changes dynamically depending on the interests (or past interactions) of the users. This is why it is also known as dynamic content.

Think, for example, of a user who downloads an e-book for free after leaving their data in a form on the website. After this action, we would already know what their current interests are (related, at the moment, to the theme of the downloaded ebook). So, why not customize the content that will be offered next time you visit us? And if, in addition, the user wants to receive news by email, why not focus those news on the topics in which they are really interested and can be more useful?

But do not stay with the idea that it is mandatory that the user has previously left us information to be able to offer personalized content. There is other situations in which can also offer it: the first time you access the page, based on the location from which you are accessing, based on the search terms entered in a search engine within the page.
Therefore, thanks to the personalization of content, Web Development Company in India  achieves the goal of offering the right content to our people according to the time they are in the purchase cycle.

Where to use personalized content?

The personalized content can be offered at all points of contact that exist with the users. The most habitual ones would be the web page (in pages within the web, in landing pages, in call to actions ...) or the electronic mail.
When we talk about the website, the first step would be to define what information will be common to all visitors and which will vary depending on the user. The personalized content will be, therefore, in those blocks of information that will be different depending on the interests of the person who visits us. To define what will be the personalized content, it will be necessary to have well-categorized the buyer according to their needs and situation in the purchase cycle.
In the case of emails, the logic to follow is analogous. Its about making real email marketing. The idea is to segment the database according to interests and position in the purchase cycle. Once this is done, each user segment will receive personalized information that meets their needs.

What does Web Development Services Company in India need to offer personalized content?

To offer personalized content through the website or email campaigns, a series of minimum requirements are necessary:
Centralized database: The database is the basis on which the personalization of the content is based. It stores the information of users together with their history of downloads and interactions within the website.

Content manager: A web page with dynamic content should be easily editable, without the need to depend on technical profiles to update the content.

Customized content generator: This is, the logic implemented to show / hide content (images, texts ...) depending on the user that visits us.
Integrated email system: Integrated with the database, so that personalized content can be sent to users just as it is done through the web page.
Strategies in content personalization:

Through the personalization of content, must create a better experience with the users and customers. That is why, when we consider integrating personalized content within the marketing strategy, we must begin with the following question: how are going to improve the experience of the users within the page or through the email?

Here are a series of recommended strategies:

Delete repeated conversions. If a user has previously downloaded an ebook, are interested in being offered again the next time he visits us? It is a good opportunity to eliminate this offer using personalized content, showing, instead, any other offer or service that the user can download or contract.

Direct the user within the purchase cycle. With the information we are obtaining from a user, we can know at all times the situation in which it is within the purchase cycle. Is it the first time you visit us? Are you ready to buy? Are you evaluating different possibilities? It is time to use this information to offer the user the appropriate content according to their needs and expectations.

Eliminate unnecessary steps. When a user has already left us their data through an e-book download form (for example), why should we "bother" asking again the same information when interested in another offer? Web Development Services Delhi use personalized content to eliminate these steps, directing the user directly to the content of the offer. In the case of wanting to collect additional information, we could request it, eliminating the fields with the information that we already have.

Adapt content according to sector or people. We can use the information that the user gives us about the sector in which he works or other types of features that characterize him, so that we can adapt the content according to his profile. For example, within the page of an offer Web Development Services Delhi could use a prominent image or another depending on the type of person, in order to get more attention. Through personalized content, manage to treat the users as who they really are, that is, people. Website Development Company in Delhi addresses them with your name, in a personalized way, offering content at all times according to your interests.